
Welcome to the Travelex Retail Management discussion forum. This site was created for you, our North American Sales Managers, General Managers and Regional Sales Directors. The intention is for you to use this forum as a discussion board, to post great stories, ask for help from other managers, share best practices and just talk.

Travlex Background

There are a variety of things you can do:

1) You can create new posts. Think of this as starting a discussion. You can post your questions, stories or best practices. Posts will be visible to all users.
2) You can engage in the conversation by commenting on other peoples post’s.
3) You can update your profile with a photo or a bio so people know a bit more about you.
4) You can simply browse through the content and find useful information to help you manage your stores.

If you have any additional ideas for this forum let us know, it is your arena and we will do whatever we can to make it most useful to you.

Thank you,
Jon Dario & Chris McShane


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